ACSEP has been accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) and the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) to provide a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program for Medical Practitioners.


CPD Program participants applying to join the ACSEP CPD Program must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Demonstrate a connection to, and on-going interest in, the field of Sport and Exercise Medicine
  • Hold registration as a Medical Practitioner in Australia or New Zealand and be in PGY3+.

ACSEP Registrars will be automatically enrolled in the ACSEP CPD Program on attainment of Fellowship. Applicants who do not hold an ACSEP Fellowship are required to apply to the ACSEP CPD Committee for approval to join the ACSEP CPD Program. 


To apply to join the ACSEP CPD Program, please complete the Application Form and attach your CV. Once approved, non-ACSEP Fellows are eligible to become CPD Homes members of the ACSEP. CPD Homes members participate in the ACSEP CPD Program and receive other benefits outlined in the CPD Program Handbook. 

2024/2025 CPD Homes Fee* $4,115.00 AUD (excl. GST)

*Pro-rata for new applicants

CPD Program Requirements

Registration-level requirements:

  • Undertake and document an Annual Conversation with a colleague
  • Develop an annual written Professional Development Plan (PDP)
  • Complete a minimum of 50 hours of CPD activities per year
  • Complete at least 25 hours of Practice Evaluation activities per year (with a minimum of five hours each of (i) Reviewing Performance and (ii) Measuring Outcomes)
  • Complete at least 12.5 hours per year of Educational Activities
  • Complete a further 12.5 hours per year in any of the above categories
  • Self-evaluate your CPD activity at the end of each year as you prepare you PDP for the next year
  • Retain records of your CPD activities for three years. 

Program-level requirements:

  • Cultural safety activities (minimum of 2 hours per year)
  • Addressing health inequities activities (minimum of 1 hour per triennium)**
  • Professionalism activities (minimum of 1 hour per triennium)**
  • Ethical practice activities (minimum of 1 hour per triennium)**
  • For ACSEP Clinical Training Supervisors - Completion of the ACSEP Clinical Training Supervisor module (once per triennium)

**Mandatory from 1 January 2025

CPD Program participants who are not registered Specialist Sport and Exercise Physicians are also required to complete the following program-level requirements for the ACSEP CPD Program:

  • Emergency management course relevant to your practice (once per triennium)
  • An anti-doping education course (once per triennium)

Specialist high-level requirements

All registered specialist Sport and Exercise Physicians are required to complete the following specialist high-level requirements:

  • Emergency management course relevant to your practice (once per triennium)
  • An anti-doping education course (once per triennium)

Please refer to the CPD Program Handbook for further information. 




Online Learning:


Changes to cpd program for 2025

From 1 January 2025 CPD Program participants will be required to meet minimum requirements for the following:

  • Addressing health inequities activities: Minimum of 1 hour per triennium
  • Professionalism activities: Minimum of 1 hour per triennium
  • Ethical practice activities: Minimum of 1 hour per triennium

CPD Program participants are encouraged to complete one of the above requirements each year of the triennium. Further information is available in the CPD Program Handbook. 

Following a review of available evidence supporting CPD activities, the ACSEP CPD Committee has made changes to accepted CPD activities and the maximum number of hours participants can claim against these per year:

CPD Activity Change from 1 January 2025
Community Service Discontinued 
Reading MCNZ Standards for Doctors Statements Participants can claim 1 hour max. per year towards CPD requirements. 
Reading NZ Health and Disability Commissioner Code of Rights OR Australian Charter of Health Care Rights Participants can claim 1 hour max. per year towards CPD requirements


From 1 January 2025, CPD Program participants who take an approved period of leave from clinical practice of between 6-12 months will be required to complete a pro-rata number of CPD hours based on the number of months that they spend in clinical practice in the relevant year. 


relevant cpd policies

P004 Privacy Policy 

P012 Records Management Policy 

P018 Ethical Sponsorship, Advertising and Donations Policy 

P019 Reconsideration, Review and Appeals Policy 

P032 Return to Practice Policy 

P040 CPD Program Compliance and Remediation Policy

P045 Conflict of Interest Policy 



For enquiries, feedback and support regarding the ACSEP CPD Program, please contact